Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
#37 Learning Matters with Jabali Stewart
Welcome to the Season 2 | Episode 1 of Learning Matters where we will digging into holding space for hope and healing.
Today we have with us Dr. Jabali Stewart discussing circle keeping, peace making and spiritual source coding.
Jabali is an inclusion specialist utilizing Peacemaking Circle in schools (K-College), businesses, families, government, and community settings. He has trained in the lineage of Circle Keeping connected to Mark Wedge, Kay Pranis, and Barry Stuart for nearly a decade. Besides keeping Circle he also trained in, and practices other Art of Hosting social technologies, all with a focus on institutional cultural change. Jabali is also a public speaker who has also cultivated a practice of deep one-on-one cultural counsel. His work is deeply informed by his belief and practice of sensible, love based leadership.
To find out more about Jabali’s work, check out: https://www.wearehuayruro.com/
And to listen to Special Vices: https://specialvices.bandcamp.com/