Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
#46 Learning Matters with Russ Rosen
Today we have with us Russ Rosen discussing the Bez Arts Hub as a place for nurturing creativity and planting seeds for the harvest of ones life’s work.
Learning Matters series on convening methodologies for holding space for hope, healing and restoration.
Russ serves the artistic director at Bez Arts Hub in Langley, BC where he and his wife (Sandy) train and mentor emerging artists, host live music events, dance shows, workshops and all manner of arts and community interactions. Bez is an intimate live performance venue which hosts some of the most notable artists from all around North America and beyond. With an inspiring sense of community, the warmth of great sound and the close personal engagement with the artists, Bez offers a unique and inviting atmosphere for enjoying live performances. Russ began his piano lessons at 4 years old, got kicked out at 7, took up drums at 10 and at 12 started a short lived band with Michael J. Fox called “Walrus”. Later he wrote the inspirational songs, “Got a Song in My Heart”, “Wind of the Spirit”, “Dancing in a Field” and many others for a year round “camp in the city” program called Rise Up.