Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
#47 Learning Matters: Walking the stɑl̓əw̓ Watershed
Today we have with us Erica Grimm, Joshua Hale, Alysha Creighton, and Patti Victor, to talk about the opening their exhibition at the Langley Centennial Museum, titled "Upstream/Downriver: Walking the stɑl̓əw̓ Watershed," a collaborative research-creation project that addresses climate change at the local scale of the lower Fraser River watershed.
TWU faculty partnered with experts from a wide range of science, humanities, and Indigenous knowledge backgrounds to walk the stɑl̓əw̓ Watershed, experts including Dr. Heesoon Bai (SFU), Dr. Katharine Bubel, Dr. David Clements, Dr. Tim Cooper (UFV), David Jordan, Dr. Maxwell Ofosuhene, Dr. Sam Pimentel, Dr. Bruce Shelvey, Annelyn Victor (Xwchíyò:m Nation), and Chief Andrew Victor (Xwchíyò:m Nation).