Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
Learning Matters: a Bridge to Practice
#48 Learning Matters: The Inklings
Today we have with us Monika B. Hilder who teaches in the English Department at Trinity Western University. Monika is an author, teacher, and speaker who specializes in Fantasy and Children’s Literature with a particular focus on the writings of C.S. Lewis and other Inklings-related writers. She edited The Inklings and Culture: A Harvest of Scholarship from the Inklings Institute of Canada (Co-edited with Sara Pearson and Laura Van Dyke).
How did five twentieth-century British authors, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, and Dorothy L. Sayers, along with their mentors George MacDonald and G. K. Chesterton, come to contribute more to the intellect and imagination of millions than many of their literary contemporaries put together? How do their achievements continue to inform and potentially transform us in the twenty-first century?
Monika serves as the Co-Director of the Inklings Institute of Canada (IIC). IIC encourages the advancement of Inklings scholarship through literary criticism and related collaborative research across the disciplines; investigates how these authors critiqued their own cultures and therefore help us to respond to our own historical/cultural context; promotes the publication of research and scholarship in peer-reviewed journals, books, and other suitable venues appropriate to the various disciplines; fosters undergraduate and graduate student involvement in such research and scholarship; seeks funding for Inklings research; contributes to the current return of religious language to public discourse—and does so within the campus, with associated members nationally and internationally, and with the general public.